Thursday, October 1, 2009

Can you afford to go green, the answer is

Going green is not just doing your part, it can help everyone save tons of money, great thought huh? It always seems to cost more to do the right thing. Sometimes I believe that the term 'going green' was some marketers spin for "make'um feel bad about the environment and we will be elbow deep in the $$$$ aka 'GREEN", wink, wink....
Example, I recently attended a home show and found that the reality of it all is most 'green' systems cost so much that one, you would have to be very well off to afford them (after all you are buying bragging rights as well) and two, they would probably be obsolete by the time you broke even. When you are talking about investing $25K to $50K on these systems it is no wonder few are able to do it. Will the prices come down, eventually, after all the initial investment cost are recovered. Engineers tend to over design things at times. The more bells and wistles the better. So it takes a realitively long time to recapture the companies investment and well, with profits, bonuses, board members, think in terms of everything that has been going on and you will probably answer your own question. Doubtful.

During the last few years I have had a chance to work out a few basic systems for the average person. I did this out of necessity to get my bills down to an affordable level. My designs are based off of systems that have been in place for thousands of years. It's easy when you think about it, but so few have the kind of time to research or experiment with what works and what doesn't. Since I was laid off at the beginning of the economic breakdown, I found that I had more time than job offers. So I just started working for myself and was fortunate enough to be around friends and associates who enjoyed discussing the alternatives to these high dollar systems. Try talking to your friends over a couple of drinks and the ideas will be flowing by the third round. As for me, I found most of the materials I needed in my own garage or shed and a huge amount of information on the net. Remember, think about it all don't have to spend a fortune buying the latest greatest gadget, you can probably make it yourself. If you don't have the time to research, stay tuned.
It is my hope going forward to provide you with helpful links, tips and designs so that you can build your own systems for pennys or nothing but your time. You may just want to make a few minor changes in your everyday life and save some bucks. Just think, you can recycle/reuse all that scrap in your garbage or garage and bring going green back to the people who need it the most, you. For those of you who can afford to have someone else help you, I hope to also include links for companies as I come across them who are making green not just affordable but cheaper than the conventional methods, believe it or not there are still a few out there who aren't seeing 'going green' as $$$$.

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